septiembre 2023 – GAP Alarmas
AV. Rafael Nuñez 4653, Local 1 - Córdoba.
Lunes - Viernes de 09:00 a 18:00
0810 555-0137 - (0351) 589-1206

Mes: septiembre 2023

GAP Alarmas > 2023 > 09
  • 21

    The Hooters Case Was about an Arbitration Agreement

    The Hooters Case Was About an Arbitration Agreement In recent years, arbitration agreements have become a hot topic among businesses and their legal advisors. These agreements are intended to resolve disputes between parties outside of the traditional court system, instead opting for a private proceeding with a designated...

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  • 20

    Annex to the 2002 Master Agreement Protocol

    The Annex to the 2002 Master Agreement Protocol is a crucial document in the world of finance and trading. Its primary purpose is to provide guidance and structure for the trading of over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives. This document outlines the terms and conditions for the trading and settlement of...

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  • 05

    Top Contract Manufacturing Companies in India

    Top Contract Manufacturing Companies in India: A Guide to Finding the Right Partner for Your Business Contract manufacturing has grown to become a popular business model for companies in different industries. It provides businesses with access to specialist manufacturing expertise and production capacity without the need for substantial...

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  • 02

    Instalment Sales Agreement for Motor Vehicle Template

    If you`re looking to purchase a motor vehicle but don`t have the funds to do so upfront, you may consider an instalment sales agreement. This is a contract between a buyer and a seller, outlining the terms of payment for a vehicle over a period of time. Having...

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