junio 2023 – GAP Alarmas
AV. Rafael Nuñez 4653, Local 1 - Córdoba.
Lunes - Viernes de 09:00 a 18:00
0810 555-0137 - (0351) 589-1206

Mes: junio 2023

GAP Alarmas > 2023 > 06
  • 30

    Mutual Agreement Procedure India Statistics

    Mutual Agreement Procedure (MAP) is a dispute resolution mechanism that allows for resolving tax-related disputes between two countries. This mechanism is particularly beneficial for taxpayers who have cross-border transactions and face double taxation due to conflicting tax laws of two countries. India is a signatory to the relevant...

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  • 27

    Define Collective Agreement in Business Terms

    In business terms, a collective agreement is a legally binding agreement between a union or employee representative and an employer. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions of employment for a specific group of employees, which can include pay rates, work hours, benefits, and other terms and conditions...

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  • 19

    Spring Cloud Contract Mock Service

    Spring Cloud Contract Mock Service: What You Need to Know If you`re familiar with Spring Cloud Contract, you may know that it allows developers to create contracts between services to ensure that each service is working correctly with the others. However, what if you`re developing a new service...

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  • 18

    Termination of Affiliate Agreement

    Termination of Affiliate Agreements: What You Need to Know When it comes to affiliate marketing, the relationship between the affiliate and the merchant is crucial for both parties. However, there may come a time when the affiliate agreement needs to be terminated. This can be for various reasons...

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  • 16

    Legality of a Verbal Agreement

    When it comes to business agreements, verbal agreements are a double-edged sword. While they are convenient and allow for quick decision-making, they can also lead to legal complications if not handled properly. A verbal agreement is a contract formed by spoken words and not written down. However, verbal...

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  • 07

    Flash Loan Smart Contract Example

    Flash Loan Smart Contract Example: An Introduction Smart contracts are computer programs that automatically execute the terms of a contract when certain conditions are met. They are powered by blockchain technology, which ensures that the contracts are immutable and tamper-proof. In the world of decentralized finance (DeFi), smart...

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