
Difference between Deed or Agreement

When it comes to legal documents, two terms that are often used interchangeably are deed and agreement. But in reality, these two documents serve different purposes and have distinct characteristics. Understanding the difference between a deed and an agreement is important, especially when dealing with property or contractual matters.


A deed is a legal document that transfers ownership of a property or asset from one party to another. It is a written document that provides proof of the transfer of ownership. A deed must be signed by both parties, and it must contain a description of the property being transferred. In many cases, a deed also includes a warranty that guarantees that the seller has the legal right to sell the property and that the buyer is receiving clear title to the property.

There are different types of deeds, including warranty deeds and quitclaim deeds. A warranty deed is a type of deed that provides the most protection to the buyer, as it guarantees that the seller has the legal right to sell the property and that the buyer is receiving clear title. A quitclaim deed, on the other hand, provides no guarantees and simply transfers any interest that the seller may have in the property to the buyer.


An agreement, also known as a contract, is a legal document that outlines the terms of a business or personal arrangement between two or more parties. It is a written document that is legally binding and enforceable. An agreement must contain the essential elements of a contract, such as offer, acceptance, consideration, and mutual consent.

Agreements can be used for a variety of purposes, such as outlining the terms of a sale, setting up a partnership, or establishing the terms of an employment agreement. In some cases, agreements may also include warranties or guarantees, but they are not a necessary element of the document.

Key Differences

The main difference between a deed and an agreement is the purpose they serve. A deed is used to transfer ownership of a property or asset, while an agreement is used to outline the terms of a business or personal arrangement between two or more parties.

Deeds are typically used in real estate transactions, while agreements are used in a variety of contexts, such as employment, partnerships, and sales agreements. Additionally, deeds guarantee clear title to a property, while agreements do not.


In summary, while deeds and agreements are both legal documents, they serve different purposes and have distinct characteristics. While deeds are used to transfer ownership of a property or asset, agreements are used to outline the terms of a business or personal arrangement. Understanding the differences between the two is important when dealing with property or contractual matters.